Our principal, June, from Lofland’s Edu-Care Centre, takes her job very seriously. With protective clothing and a mask, she informed the Rusthof township community about what protective measures to take against the Corona virus.
Dear Friends of Golden Sunbeams,
Although the number of people infected with the Corona virus in South Africa was small, all the schools and kindergartens closed on 18 March 2020 as a precaution.  Nine days later on the 27 March 2020, “lockdown” was implemented.  For most South Africans this means they have to stay at home, to prevent the Corona virus from spreading too quickly.

Lockdown in South Africa is strict. We are permitted to leave our homes only to shop in the supermarkets, otherwise all outdoor activities are forbidden. Therefore, regrettably we had to curtail our current construction work in the Asanda Village township at short notice.

Most shops, all restaurants and bars, swimming pools, gyms and all beaches are closed. It also means that you may not go for a walk with your beloved four-legged friends. For those who own a house with a garden, this situation is bearable but not easy. But for those who live in a small housing space in the townships with their families, it is much more difficult.
In addition to this, the sanitary facilities in the townships are very restricted. Water, soap, disinfectant and respiratory masks are insufficient and rarely available.

For these reasons we did not hesitate for a moment when Leanne Keet, the founder of our partner organisation, Masikhule (www.masikhule.org) asked us on 23 March 2020, just before the lockdown began, to donate money to purchase sanitary ware.

No sooner said than done! They requested and we donated. Masikhule purchased more than 2 000 soaps that same day! ­

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­ The soap was immediately distributed in the surrounding townships of Lwandle, Asanda Village, Sir Lowry’s Pass, Chris Nissen Park, Strand, Rusthof and Macassar, via the kindergartens. Kindergarten principals and teachers took their job seriously! Not only did they distribute the soap, they also explained how one must wash one’s hands properly and the importance of maintaining a two metre distance from each other.

The Masikhule non-profit organisation had previously purchased respiratory masks for the principals and teachers.

So, on the one hand, they were better protected during the big distribution campaign and, on the other, they could demonstrate the seriousness of the situation.

­ We would like to warmly thank our partner organisation Masikhule! Not only did they have this great idea, but in no time at all, they also mobilised Golden Sunbeams e.V. as sponsors, to enact this wonderful relief operation. A big THANK YOU also goes to our kindergarten principals and teachers who distributed the soap in their communities and carried out on-site training. You are all great!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Frank Deibert. To coincide with his birthday, he initiated an appeal on Facebook for donations in favour of Golden Sunbeams e.V. Belated Happy Birthday, dear Frank!

We are happy to receive donations or appeals for donations on Facebook, to support our kindergartens in the townships. In this way, we can all help from a distance of two metres!

Our donations’ account is:

Golden Sunbeams e.V.
Standard Bank
Account number: 07-229-5546
Swift code: SBZAZAJJ
BIC 03-30-12

With best wishes and please keep healthy!

Britta & Bernd