Dear Friends of Golden Sunbeams
There are so many ways to help: With a wide variety of monetary donations – individual, permanent, earmarked – a membership with regular amounts, with donations of time through voluntary work…
And then there is the form of donation in kind, which is not so often in focus, but which also helps to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and their families in the townships and to overcome inequality. We are telling you about this today and would like to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved.

Summer is just around the corner in Europe and winter in South Africa. Luckily, a few days ago we received several boxes with beautiful children’s winter clothes, which we distributed directly to our Kingdom Kids Edu-Care kindergarten in Sir Lowry’s Pass, one of the poorest townships in the region. Heavy sweaters, sweatshirts and hoodies, lined jackets, long pants and sturdy shoes – in great condition, high quality in material and workmanship and colorful.

The children loved their new outfits and proudly presented them to us.

Last year the house of Boniswa, the kindergarten teacher at Sikuthale, burned down completely. She and her five children were left with only the clothes they wore during the fire. At that time we were glad that we could immediately provide her with lots of clothes. We had previously received these from various sponsors, who from time to time provide us with clothing for the kindergarten teachers, the parents of our protégés and the workers with whom we have been working closely for many years.
Because even with the adults, there is need for clothes in view of the approaching winter.

Dorothee Holtkamp, Bernd Holtkamp’s wife, has been knitting woolen caps, sweaters and jackets for our children for many years.

But there are many more good examples of supporting donations in kind: We received a beautiful cot and a changing table for a godchild who now has a baby of her own.

Also used fridges, TV sets, pots and kitchen accessories and even wall and floor tiles – these well-maintained donations in kind were kindly offered to us by our sponsors. We gladly accepted all these useful, everyday helping aids to distribute.

Hygiene items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and soap, but also warm blankets, writing pads, pens. And of course lots of toys for all age groups – we have grateful takers for those, too.

When it comes to distribution, we always make sure that all kindergartens are treated fairly according to their needs: Helderberg Golden Sunbeam, Emfundisweni, Sikuthale, Rise and Shine, Small World, Bright Future, Bridge Park and Sunshine Kiddies, to name just a few.

Our heartfelt thanks go to all the friends, donors and sponsors mentioned above as well as those whose names are not mentioned, who support our work so well with their donations in kind!
For today, we remain with warm regards
Britta & Bernd